Liz waddick




Restoring respect

in public education




Colorado National Monument, Grand Junction, CO


I am a Spanish Teacher, wife, and mother to two children and our dog, named Soup. I am proud to send my children to public school in Summit County and proud to be an educator in our Colorado public schools.

I was lucky enough to attend elementary school in the Chicago Public Schools. In 1987, when I was in 2nd grade, the Chicago Teachers Union went on a 19-day strike, the longest in their history. They won an 8% pay raise, an addition of sick days and more comprehensive health coverage. The image of my beloved teachers on those picket lines fighting for their profession inspires me to this day. There has not been a minute in my life where I was not grateful for the start I had in the public school system. For the rich education I received at Clissold School on the Southside of Chicago, I will be forever in debt. To Ms. Blackwell, thank you. You inspired me to be the learner and fighter I am today.

When I graduated from college with my Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, I began substitute teaching in the Ritenour School District in St. Louis, MO, with plans to seek a career in Marketing. It was there, in my first week as a substitute, that I fell in love with teaching. The joy, the smiles, and the love of learning that I saw and felt happening in that school, Wyland Elelmentary, was life-changing. I knew teaching and learning would be my life’s work. Thank you to Mark Goldman, Sheri Borders, and Drew Lohnes, who inspired me to join them in this beautiful, messy career.


I moved to Summit County, Colorado, in 2007, just in time for the recession. In my career as an educator, I have experienced the degradation of our profession, and I will no longer allow that for my children, my students, nor any student in Colorado. I stand ready and willing to fight for the schools our students deserve. I have spent 17 years working in a rural school district. I understand the challenges that come with working in a small district as a non-release president.

This battle to restore respect in public education will take all of us. Together. Rural and Urban locals. United and strong, I am excited about the opportunity to bring Rural voice to the CEA at the governance level. Thank you for your hard work every day for the students and educators of Colorado. Educators are more precious than ever, and I will never stop fighting for you.


Strength through organization

Our Union is primed to gather collective strength and power. This will require organization, coordination, and focus. We cannot afford distractions. Working together requires unity in plan and autonomy in its application, from Uniserv to Uniserv and Local to Local. The diversity in our state is a strength that should be leveraged to get results.



at the table

spring 2023

11.7% average raise

max salary from $93,500 to $112,200

step increase to 1.5% from $750

after mediation

spring 2022

base salary to $50K

spring 2021

base to $47,500 w/commitment to 50K in 2022

spring 2020

full-contract opener>major wins

  • secured tecda rights for ssps
  • increased plannig time at elementary
  • secured just cause. and due process in contract
  • strengthened rights for academic freedom

school board elections

fall 2023

gained all 4 seats against pro-public education candidates.

knocked 2,069 doors, 639 door conversations

12,182 phone calls made. people power wins.

fall 2021

4/4 endorsed candidates win in fiercely fought election against heavily-funded anti-public education candidates.

faLL 2019

3/4 endorsed canidates win. first time summit County education association endorsed any candidate. 11 community members ran for those 4 seats.

at the legislature

fall 2022

in coordination with fellow rural local presidents, established monthly meetings with Speaker mccluskie about bs factor buydown and working conditions for teachers

summer 2021

skicountry uniserv plans escalation plan for total buydown of bs factor. wins commitment of two-year buydown.

Offense at the legislature

It is time for elected officials to stand up for public educators

Are you really the champion for public education that you say you are?

Prove it.

We can no longer stand-by while public education is under coordinated attack. I call for an overhaul of the broken, bureaucratic evaluation system. We must lead the way in a fight to end it. I have a record of standing firm with our elected officials.

My message to our legislators: fund schools, cut the red-tape, and restore respect and joy in the art of teaching.

MY COMMITMENT TO Rural Representation

rural representation

rural locals are unique

Local leaders in rurals carry a heavy load. I have been a non-release president for the last five years. I understand, deeply, the heavy load you local leaders carry. I will fight to be sure your voice is heard, and I am committed to continuing the work of the CEA to organize and win contracts across the state. We are at a crossroads, and without organization in rural districts, we will never actualize our full power as a state union.

large locals

I am a relationship-builder and strong believer in our united collective. The work done by all of you is to be commended. Strong contracts, competitive wages, big voice. You are the ground-breakers. The movers, the shakers. Your voice will continue to be elevated, and your strong influence be recognized. I am committed to building momentum at the state level by listening to you, creating plans with you, and growing our power through activation of all locals across the state.



I would be honored to serve you as Vice President. I cannot serve you without listening to you. Please reach out. What’s important to you?

Hablo Español.

Call or text 773-706-5886